Frequently Asked Questions

Click on any of the questions below for more information. If you can not find what you are looking for, please call us on 03301239765.

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Moorcroft Debt Recovery is one of the UK’s leading and well established Debt Collection Agencies. We provide consumer and commercial debt collection services in the UK for clients across key financial sectors via our Stockport offices and our network of field agents.

Moorcroft Debt Recovery Ltd. is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for accounts formed under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 (amended 2006). We are members of the Credit Services Association and seek to adhere to their code of practice.

We do appreciate that the current situation may be causing difficulties for a number of account holders and we must stress that we will seek to assist as much as possible. It is extremely important that you keep us updated as to your circumstances so that if necessary we can make the appropriate adjustments to your account.

I can't afford to maintain payments. How can Moorcroft help?

It's really important that you tell us if you're struggling to maintain payments. We will take a look at your current circumstances and work with you to agree a suitable solution. We can reassure you that unless you can afford to make a payment at the moment, we will not ask you to do so.

If you’re unable to contact our offices, there’s a range of solutions on our website:

  • Submit an updated offer of repayment based on your circumstances
  • Calculate your Income & Expenditure
  • Request assistance from us
  • Contact details for free, independent, money advice organisations

Where can I find information about sources of free and independent money advice?

If you would like to obtain free, independent advice about how the Cost of Living changes may affect you and your money, please click here to visit the Money Helper website.

Please also see our "What if I can't afford to pay?" FAQ below for more contact details for free, independent money advice services.

Our agents are fully trained to handle cases of genuine financial difficulty. If you are struggling to meet your commitments to pay your creditors, please tell us by calling 0330 123 9765 so that we may provide you with the appropriate signposting information. Alternatively, please fill in your details on this website's 'Assistance' page and we will arrange to contact you. The following organisations and websites may be able to help you review your financial circumstances and provide advice on an appropriate solution:

National Debtline - Telephone number 0808 808 4000

Step Change - Telephone number 0800 027 6845

Money Advice & Pension Service (MAPS) - Telephone number 0800 138 7777

Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) - Check your local phone book or Yellow Pages for your nearest Citizens Advice Bureau.

AdviceUK - Telephone number 0300 777 0107

Money Advice Scotland - Telephone number 0141 572 0237

Advice NI – if you live in Northern Ireland - email [email protected] or phone 0800 917 4607

UK Finance

Civil Legal Advice – you may get legal aid if your home is at risk.

Check on the Government site here or phone 0845 345 434

Financial Ombudsman Service - Telephone number 0800 023 4567 or 0300 123 9123

Online money tools and calculators

You can use a range of free and independent online tools, including budget planners and benefit calculators, to help you better understand and manage your money.

Money Helper

The Money and Pensions Service’s (MaPS) Money Adviser Network, also known as MoneyHelper, offers free, confidential, and independent advice to residents in England who are struggling with personal debt repayment.

You can access free, independent tools and guidance at


You can use free and anonymous benefit calculators available from to estimate:

  • The benefits you might qualify for
  • Your potential benefit payments
  • Changes to your benefits if you start working or increase hours
  • Effects on your benefits if your circumstances change (like having a child or moving in with a partner)

You can also get contact details for your local benefits adviser to find out what you might be entitled to.

It is crucial to be able to access and interact with the content on this website. Most modern web browsers and computer operating systems offer various features to assist you in using the internet effectively.

You can find an icon that opens a menu of accessibility functions. These features allow you to; re-size the text on any given page, apply visual features to aid with visibility and readability (such as grayscale, high contrast, and negative contrast filters), underlining links, and setting the text to a more readable font.

On your keyboard, you can typically press "Ctrl" and "+" to zoom into a web page, then "Ctrl" and "-" to zoom out. If you feel you need further help, please visit the BBC’s My Web My Way website to find out how you can change your internet browser and computer settings to make using the internet easier for you.

You should contact Moorcroft as soon as possible to discuss repayment of your outstanding balance. It is our goal to try to reach sensible and affordable repayment plans with account holders and, although we believe that it would be in an account holder’s best interests, wherever possible, to settle an account in full, we will always consider a reasonable instalment plan based upon your financial circumstances (you may be asked to provide proof of your inability to settle your balance in full).

We encourage all of our customers to engage with us and discuss their circumstances. For more information, please watch this short video, produced by the Credit Services Association, about five steps people can take if they’ve fallen into debt.

You should contact Moorcroft as soon as possible. If you have a query in relation to your account, please let us know and we will refer to our clients on your behalf where necessary.

Our primary aim is to reach a settlement outcome on an amicable and timely basis. However, if an agreement cannot be reached and a valid debt remains unpaid, our clients may instruct us to arrange a visit at your residence, or alternatively assist in arranging for solicitors to begin court proceedings against you.

It is reasonable to assume that your credit file will be viewed by any prospective suppliers of credit to you, and this may be negatively affected by a poor repayment history. Usually our Clients have informed the Credit Reference Agencies of the current status of your account before it is referred to Moorcroft for collection.

Payments made to Moorcroft against your outstanding accounts will be forwarded to our clients who will notify the Credit Reference Agencies accordingly.

Moorcroft do not charge account holders for making payments. However, if you use a credit card to send payment you may be liable for charges and interest as detailed in your agreement with your card issuer. Charges may be also be applicable if you choose to send payment via Post Office counters. Please contact us if you wish to discuss this further.

No. It is not possible for an address to have a Credit Reference entry independent of an individual. Your personal credit file will reflect various factors but the previous occupant of your address is not one of them.

If you feel that your credit file may be being affected by something that isn’t associated with you, please contact us on 0330 123 9765, or alternatively contact one the UK Credit Reference Agencies for further help and advice. Their details are:

  • TransUnion
    Consumer Services Team, PO Box 491, Leeds, LS3 1WZ Tel: 0330 024 7579 or visit
  • Equifax PLC
    Equifax Ltd, Customer Service Centre, PO Box 10036, Leicester, LE3 4FS Tel: 0800 014 2955 or visit
  • Experian
    Consumer Help Service, PO Box 8000, Nottingham, NG80 7WF Tel: 0844 481 8000 or visit

We aim to provide a professional and efficient service to account holders at all times. If you feel something may have gone wrong, please tell us by calling 0330 123 9765, emailing [email protected], or by writing to us at "Compliance Department, Moorcroft Group Plc, PO Box 17, Stockport, SK1 4AJ".

All UK Debt Collection Agencies come under the jurisdiction of the Financial Ombudsman Service, who may be able to provide further advice in the event that you are not satisfied with the outcome of your initial complaint to us.

Please click here to view our complaints procedure

For our most recent complaints data please see below.

Moorcroft FCA Complaints Data

1st February 2024 to 31st July 2024

Complaints per 1000 accounts Number of complaints opened Number of complaints closed Percentage upheld
<1 578 482 46.06 %

Moorcroft are required to control and process account holders personal data for tracing and debt collection purposes. We take reasonable steps to ensure your personal data is secure, and although data may be transferred between related parties, we do not pass or sell it on to third party marketing organisations.

It is an individual's right to ask a data controller/processor to provide information about the personal data we're processing about them. You can do this formally by writing to the address below, emailing us at [email protected], sending a fax to 0161 477 3864 or calling our head office on 0161 475 2834.

The Data Protection Officer
Moorcroft Group Plc
PO Box 17
2 Spring Gardens
Stockport SK1 4AJ

Please tell us specifically what information you require. To avoid any unnecessary delay or inconvenience, please include a copy of your identification so that we may handle your query as quickly as possible. This could be a copy of your current driving licence, passport or a utility bill issued in the last three months.

For further details of how to make a Data Subject Access Request (DSAR), please click here.

For further details of how to exercise any of your other rights under GDPR, please click here.

Alternatively, if you would prefer to discuss your personal data with us by phone, please call us on 0330 123 9765.

Please read our Privacy Policy for more information.

Customers can make secure card payments to their account directly from our website. Please log in using your Moorcroft reference number, and select Make a Single Payment.

When making a card payment on our website, you’ll need to confirm some of your personal information so that we know that it’s you. You may also need to verify the transaction either though your banking application, or by text or email. You can also store your card information for use when making future payments.

If you would like us to send a text to your smartphone with a link that you can use to make card payments, please contact us and we will be happy to help. Alternatively if you’d rather call our dedicated payment line, please call us on 0161 475 2949.

Our website also enables customers to set up future payments to be requested automatically by card. You will be asked if you would like to set this up after submitting your offer of payment to us. Customers who have already agreed a repayment plan can also use this service.

No. Customers who have already registered to view their account summary can continue to log in using the same information and password.

If you experience problems logging in or registering to view a summary of your account, please follow the "Problems logging in" links available on our Home and Registration pages.

If you have agreed to make repayments by 'Recurring Card Payment', we will attempt to debit your payment card automatically on the morning of the agreed payment date.

Should you need to cancel these payments please contact our offices before the scheduled payment date or alternatively you can contact your issuing bank. If payment is declined by your bank, the agreement would be cancelled by us without charge and we would not attempt to take the payment again. You would need to contact us to arrange a plan to repay any balance left outstanding.

We recognise that some of our customers have varying needs or disabilities which may affect how we communicate with them.

If you have difficulty reading and/or understanding written communication, we will provide assistance. If you require letters to be sent in Braille or large font, or would prefer us to contact you by telephone, please contact us on 0330 123 9765 and we will be able to facilitate this.

If you have a hearing impairment you may find it easier to communicate with us through the Next Generation Text (NGT) Relay Service. By using a smartphone, tablet, or computer and making a phone call, users can contact us via an NGT relay assistant. Please visit, or call 0800 7311 888, for more information.

As a CSA member we are proud to support the #heretohelp campaign which aims to give people in debt the confidence to engage with debt collection companies to result in a better outcome.

The following video is part of the CSA’s #heretohelp campaign which was launched in September 2019.

Please click here to watch the video

We want to educate and reassure those in financial difficulty that as an industry, we are trustworthy and #heretohelp.

Please contact us on 0330 123 9765* and speak to one of our advisers.

* Use code +44 if calling from outside the UK

Our normal office opening hours, excluding bank holidays, are: 7.15am - 9.00pm Monday to Thursday, 7.15am - 7.00pm Fridays and 8.30am - 4.00pm on Saturdays.

We appreciate that when contacting our company you have done so with a reason that is important to you and we are here to help and assist as much as we can. We cannot always address issues immediately, but if we can resolve a problem we will endeavour to do so. However, we believe the rights of our staff to work in a safe and non-threatening environment are important. While we will do our best to assist you, you will appreciate we cannot tolerate abusive or aggressive behaviour towards staff, verbal or otherwise. Our company has an Unacceptable Behaviour & Aggression Policy which does not tolerate certain behaviours, including:

  • Verbal abuse, threats, swearing, personal abuse directed at staff or offensive remarks
  • Acts of written or verbal abuse including of a discriminatory, intimidatory or threatening nature
  • Unsubstantiated, vexatious or defamatory allegations about our employees

Our policy is to document all instances of abuse and record this and make available such records to relevant authorities or as evidence in court. Continuing abuse or aggressive behaviour could result in your call or correspondence being terminated.

Mrs Caire D : “The agent I spoke to was so understanding of my situation and helped me so much, I felt so much better after the call and a big weight lifted off my shoulders”

Mrs Martina W : “The lady I spoke to was very polite and listened to what I had to say. I was extremely anxious and nervous to ring but almost instantly put at ease. I wish people who receive a letter knew how much better you feel when you do build up the courage to ring. It really was an easy pleasant conversation and it feels great to have dealt with my debt.”

Miss Joanne J : “I have had no issues what so ever. I’ve managed to access the website easily , It’s easy to access your services and to chat to someone . I work shifts so speaking on the phone is difficult and Moorcroft have accepted this and have been very helpful.”

November 2024 - January 2025

Telephone Survey Summary % Very Satisfied % Satisfied % Dissatisfied
Jan-25 85.56% 13.70% 0.73%
Dec-24 86.63% 12.67% 0.70%
Nov-24 84.47% 15.01% 0.52%
The quicker you act the better
  • Scams are when you’ve paid a person or company money because you thought they were a genuine. Scams can be very convincing and anyone can get caught out.
  • Fraud is when money going out of your account that you didn’t know about.

You can report fraud or cyber-crime to Action Fraud any time of the day or night using their online fraud reporting tool. You can also report and get advice about fraud or cyber-crime by calling 0300 123 2040. If you have been the victim of fraud, you should also consider contacting your bank using the number on the back of your card.

Tell us about suspicious activity claiming to be from Moorcroft

We’ll never ask for your PIN number, password or security codes by text, email or on the phone.

If you feel you’ve received a fraudulent or suspicious email claiming to be Moorcroft? Please forward it to [email protected]

If you’ve received a suspicious phone call or text claiming to be Moorcroft? Please contact us immediately on 0161 475 2858.

Take Five to Stop Fraud

Led by UK Finance, Take Five is a national campaign that offers straight-forward and impartial advice to help everyone protect themselves from preventable financial fraud.

Criminals want your money and they are experts at getting it. They will go to great lengths to impersonate people, organisations and the police, using calls, emails, texts and social media to manipulate you. Even the savviest person can be tricked into revealing security details or sending them money.

Take a moment to stop and think: it could protect you and your money. You can access a quick quiz here

We appreciate that some of our customers may be going through difficult times and struggling with issues that are sensitive and personal to them. Please be assured we are here to help and our fully trained staff will work with you to reach an outcome that is suitable to your current circumstances.

If you have an account with us and are currently experiencing personal difficulties, please get in touch to let us know. This can help us to make suitable decisions about how your account is handled.

Sensitive information that you share with us will be treated in strictest confidence and only processed on our systems with your explicit consent, which you can also withdraw at any time.

We are a certified provider of inclusive services and have achieved the International Standard ISO 22458.

This standard aims to ensure organisations effectively identify and respond to customer vulnerabilities. It exists to ensure organisations are fully committed to providing a fair and inclusive service with consideration given to the needs of vulnerable users.